If you want to set up your People Pc account, then this is the article for you. We will provide you with all the steps involved in setting up your People Pc email account.
PeoplePC IMAP Settings ( Incoming Mail Server Settings)
For Incoming mail server settings, make sure that the following settings are entered:-
The account type should be IMAP
For username, use your people pc email id
The server hostname should be imap.peoplepc.com
The server port value should be 145
For authentication, choose none
SSL/TLS should be no
PeoplePC SMTP Settings (Outgoing Mail Server Settings)
The outgoing mail server settings are:-
Account type
Email id
Your username
Server hostname
Server port value
Should be none
PeoplePC Email Settings for Android
PeoplePC Email Settings for Android are the following:-
Got to your mail app
Go to settings
Click an add new email option
Select pop3
Enter your email and password
Click on manual set up
Enter the following details in the ‘incoming settings page.’
The email should be the username Enter the password for the same
Pop.peoplepc.com should be entered in the incoming server
Port value is 110 Security should be none
Click on next
For outgoing server settings, enter:-
Smtpauth.peoplepc.com should be the outgoing server name
The port value should be 587 Security type should be SSL For authorization, answer yes Enter username and password
Enter your preference, give the account a name, and your account is ready.
PeoplePC Email Settings for iPhone
The PeoplePC Email Settings for iPhone are as follows:-
Go to settings
Select mail calenders and contacts option
Click on add account
Click on other
Click an Add mail account and enter the following settings:-
Your name Email address Password for the account Description of the account
Click on pop3 and for incoming mail server enter the following-
Pop.peoplepc.com should be the hostname The email id should be the username Enter the password
For outgoing mail server enter the following:-
Smtpauth.peoplepc.com should be the hostname Email id should be the username Enter password
Click on save
Select your desired email account
Scrolls outgoing settings and choose SMTP settings
Select smtpauth.peoplepc.com in the central server and make sure server port value is 587 and security is SSL: SSL
Click on done
Restart your phone
Now, you can use PeoplePC email on your iPhone
In case you are facing any issues with your PeoplePC Email, please feel free to contact us. Our expert Available on Emailsfix.com